75 Modern Mullet Haircut Ideas For Men (Trending This Year)

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75 Modern Mullet Haircut Ideas For Men (Trending This Year)

What Modern Mullet Haircut Ideas Are Trending For Men This Year?

The traditional mullet was once considered a retro haircut but now, this hairstyle has become a modern favorite.

Thanks to stars like Miley Cyrus and Billie Eilish, the contemporary mullet haircut is now a popular trend with both men and women – but how can you make your modern mullet something special?

Here, we are going to be taking a look at some different but trendy ideas for the modern mullet. These ideas will be designed for men. This way, every guy out there can find a mullet haircut that suits their tastes, face shape, and hair type.

So, check out the options below!

1. Buzzed Mullet

This may sound like an impossible haircut, but the buzzed mullet is a trendy short haircut to try out. The top of the head is buzzed short – but the back is left to grow long.

2. Classic Mullet

The classic mullet is a good idea if you have very thick hair. It has a lot of volume, a short top for easy maintenance, and a long back for style.

3. Wavy Mullet

The mullet haircut has always had a rich history rooted in rebellion and the punk movement. As a result, an unruly type of hair like wavy hair is perfect for a mullet!

4. Afro Mullet

Having extremely curly hair can make wearing hairstyles like the mullet very difficult. If you have this textured hair, then don’t worry – the modern mullet is an easy style for black men to wear!

5. Back Curls Mullet

This type of mullet is a much more elegant and classy style of mullet. It involves brushing back your natural curls until they collect at the back of your head.

6. Burst Fade

A great fade to wear with a mullet (especially if your hair is thick and straight) is the burst fade. A burst fade goes from a 0 shave to long hair very quickly – which is perfect for mullets!

7. Curly Mullet

If you have super curly hair, then good news – you too can still rock a modern mullet! Wear those curls with pride as the textured look they bring is currently in style!

8. Shaggy Mullet

The current trend with most haircuts today is the messier, the better! As a result, the shag mullet has been making a comeback with young men and rebellious teens!

9. Short Mullet

This type of mullet is super easy to manage and maintain thanks to the shorter length of hair. It’s a good choice for guys who like the look of a mullet but prefer shorter haircuts.

10. Angled Disconnect

Most disconnected hairstyles are done in a straight line across the sides of the head. This idea takes that disconnect and tilts it at an angle to create a ‘waterfall’ effect.

11. Billy’s Mullet

Billy is one of the most popular characters from the hit show Stranger Things. His curly, loose mullet made him an instant favorite – and a lot of young men have taken inspiration from his hair!

12. Black Undertones

The mullet is a pretty rebellious haircut, so it makes sense to add different colors to your mullet for an edgier look. This idea adds dark undertones for a black and blonde contrast.

13. Choppy Mullet

The choppy mullet is a type of shag mullet that is much sharper thanks to its straight edges and tighter layers. It gives the mullet a more modern, chic appearance.

14. Disconnected Mullet

A disconnected mullet is a mullet with the contrast between the long hair on the top and back of the head, and the trendy shaved sides. This gives it an almost mo-hawk look.

15. Edge Up Mullet

An edge up is a type of haircut that pays particular attention to the hairline and temples. It adds sharp lines and fresh angles for a neat look – and it looks great on a modern mullet!

16. French Crop Mullet

The French crop is a very trendy short haircut that a lot of men are wearing. Add some longer length in the back and you can turn it into a French crop mullet instead!

17. Hard Part

A hard part is a skin-deep line that is cut into a man’s haircut to act as a side parting. It can also work with a modern mullet for a slight disconnection.

18. High Fade

There are a lot of different fades with work with the modern mullet. One of the best is the high fade because it keeps the sides practical and short for a more manageable shape.

19. Long Mullet

Take your mullet to the next level with this idea for a long modern mullet. Let the back of your hair keep growing well below your shoulders for a very punk style.

20. Low Fade

For those looking for a thicker, less rebellious-looking mullet haircut, try adding a low fade. It allows your hair to grow a little longer on the sides while still keeping that classic mullet shape.

21. Mix And Match

For a really eye-catching mullet, try mixing different colors together in your hair. There are so many colorful combinations to try to really match your personality!

22. Mullet With Short Sides

Shaved sides and fades are some of the biggest trends in modern haircuts today for men. They are added to pretty much any male hairstyle out there – including the classic mullet.

23. Mullet With Stubble

The mullet looks great with all kinds of facial hair, and the mullet looks especially good with light stubble. Stubble helps mature your face in a classy way.

24. Quiff

With a mullet, you don’t have to have a fringe. Instead of flattening the front of your hair over your forehead, stick it up in a classic quiff.

25. Shaved Lines

The modern mullet is already a very eye-catching haircut for men – but some men like to push things to the limit. Add some trendy shaved lines for a truly edgy look.

26. Textured Back Mullet

Textured hair is all the rage with a lot of men’s haircuts today. To get that look with your mullet, why not add some product to the long hair in the back for a textured, spiky look?

27. The Ziggy Stardust Mullet

From the alter ego of David Bowie, came this traditional mullet. It’s a popular hairstyle among punks and more mainstream mullets have even taken on its fiery orange color.

28. True Modern Mullet

A true modern mullet has two main distinguishing features – longer hair in the back, and shorter hair in the front and sides. It’s tamer than older versions of the mullet.

29. Wet Look Mullet

The wet look is a trend that has taken over social media. A wet-look mullet is a great way to make your mullet look even more modern and stylish.

30. Black And White Highlight

Creating contrast with color is a great way to make your mullet look chic while staying with its rebellious roots. This black-and-white look is especially popular with young men.

31. Blonde Undertones

If your natural hair color is black, then try adding blonde undertones for a sharp, rebellious contrast. This will give your mullet a very modern but willful look.

32. Blunt Fringe

The blunt fringe is a bang that is cut with a blunt straight line. They work great with modern mullets and help frame faces to flatter their features.

33. Bob Mullet

This mullet style is a great choice for those looking for a subtle type of mullet. It’s similar to a man’s bob with short-length hair and bangs – but the trimmed sides make it a modern mullet.

34. Bowl Cut Mullet

The bowl cut used to be a haircut laughed at and mocked – but now it’s become a trendy look for young men! Combine it with a mullet for a sleek modern mullet!

35. Choppy Fringe

Choppy bangs are a great idea for a modern mullet. It works with the trend of the messy look, and it perfectly complements the rebellious look of a mullet.

36. Colored Highlights

The mullet cut is the perfect haircut to wear if you want to try experimenting with color. Adding colored highlights helps bring the mullet to life and works perfectly.

37. Combover Mullet

This style used to be popular with balding men but now, young men use it to make their haircuts look classy and sophisticated. It’s also a great way to style your modern mullet.

38. Curled Ends

This style of modern mullet is great if you want a very short mullet. Instead of adding layers and layers of curls to your mullet – just curl the ends for a little texture.

39. Curled Quiff

If you want your modern mullet to look more mature and tame, then try out this idea of the curled quiff. It’s great for mature men who want a gentlemanly styled mullet.

40. Curly Tendril

This style works best if you have afro-textured hair styled into a mullet. Take one of your natural curls and grow it long over your forehead for a stylish look.

41. Curtain Bangs

Curtain bangs were a trendy hairstyle in the 90s which has come back into fashion. As a result, it’s the perfect way to style the front of your mullet while keeping things practical.

42. Dip-Dyed Mullet

This idea dyed the longer hair on the back of the head a different color to the rest. You can try a natural color or something bright and vibrant like orange or green.

43. Dreadlock Mullet

This hairstyle involves cutting your dreadlocks into a class cullet shape. With short sides and a ton of dreads trailing down the back of your head, this is a great way for black men to achieve the mullet look.

44. E-Boy Mullet

This style of the modern mullet takes inspiration from another trendy haircut, the e-boy. It includes long face-framing bangs that are cut in a straight line all the way to the ear.

45. Elephant Trunk Mullet

For a retro party look that looks totally unique, try out this elephant trunk mullet. It styles the front of your hair into a long ‘trunk’ that falls over the forehead.

46. Faux Hawk Mullet

This type of mullet takes inspiration from the faux hawk. The faux hawk is a subtle version of the mohawk with a shorter length on the sides. Add long hair in the back for a faux hawk mullet!

47. Flat Top Mullet

The flat top is a recent trendy haircut for men due to its neat, uniform appearance. When combined with long straight hair in the back, it becomes a classic party look.

48. Full Fringe

If you have very thick hair, it’s a good idea to wear a full fringe with your mullet. This is especially true if you wear your mullet long in the front as well as in the back for a shaggier style.

49. Go Blonde

One popular trend that is seen across lots of different haircuts is that men are dying their hair light blonde. This trend can also extend to the modern mullet!

50. Go Orange

For a strong, punk look, try dying your entire mullet a bright orange. This vibrant color is reminiscent of the Ziggy Stardust mullet – only more modern with shaved sides!

51. Hair Tendrils

This hairstyle involves taking a few loose strands of hair from the top of your head and allowing them to fall over the forehead. It works great with a side parting or quiff.

52. Layers

Shaggy, messy hair is all the rage among young men and teens. If you want this look for your mullet, then it’s a good idea to add layers for a natural, messy style.

53. Mid Fade

A mid fade is a good choice for those who like the look of a classic mullet but don’t want their hairstyle to look outdated. A mid fade adds a small fade around the ear and temple.

54. Mohawk Mullet

The mohawk is another punk haircut that has found recent popularity. Combine it with long hair in the back to transform it into a mohawk mullet!

55. Mullet With Full Beard

If you have a long mullet, then a full beard can help you create a very modern look. This also works great if you have very thick hair.

56. Mullet With Mustache

Mustaches are pretty hard to pull off but with a mullet, it totally works. If you want a haircut to help support your mustache and make it look sexy, try out the mullet.

57. Mullet With Tattoo

The modern mullet features short-shaved sides because they are so trendy. This opens up a new cool opportunity for the mullet – a tattoo on the side of the head!

58. Pompadour Mullet

The pompadour is easily one of the trendiest haircuts for men in recent years. When turned into a mullet, it creates a sophisticated look that is ideal for more mature men.

59. Scene Mullet

The scene subculture has their own version of the mullet that features thin hair, choppy layers, and a long sweeping fringe. It’s modern and chic – and ideal for teens.

60. Short Fringe

Not all men’s fringes are cut just above the eyebrow. Some are cut much closer to the hairline, creating a very short fringe that looks great on the modern mullet!

61. Side Part

For longer, more natural modern mullets, some men can even add a gentle side part. It helps soften the mullet and makes it look more natural with thick layered hair.

62. Skin Fade

A skin fade is the shortest type of fade that cuts your hair right down to the skin. It’s a great way to seamlessly fade your mullet around your hairline.

63. Skunk Stripe Mullet

This idea takes the longer hair of your mullet on the top of your head and back, and dyes it a different color. It looks great with afro-textured mullets!

64. Slick Back Mullet

This idea involves growing your mullet super long all over. Brush the back at the top of the head back so it flawlessly blends in with the longer hair at the black for a slick look.

65. Spiky Mullet

Grab your hair gel if you want this sharp, chic look! Adding spikes to your modern mullet is a great way to make a trendy hairstyle that’s perfect for parties.

66. Straight Mullet

A lot of mullets are styled to have a lot of texture with waves or curls. However, straight mullets provide a more mature look that is a great choice for men who want a classy mullet.

67. The Billy Ray Cyrus Mullet

This mullet haircut is ideal for older gents with a mature style. With a sensible front cut and gentle waves in the back, this is easily one of the most stylish mullets out there!

68. The David Beckham Mullet

This star soccer player has worn a lot of different trendy hairstyles over the years. His version of the mullet also crossed with a mohawk for a faux look.

69. The Jerry Seinfeld Mullet

Jerry Seinfeld is one of the trendiest characters from the hit 80s show Seinfeld thanks to his short version of the mullet. Today, his haircut serves as an inspiration for a lot of men.

70. The Paul McCartney Mullet

Although many would struggle to see Paul McCartney as a trendsetter, his retro 70s mullet has taken on a new lease of life today. Modern men love the way this mullet frames the face!

71. The Rod Steward Mullet

This type of mullet was first seen on a young Rod Stewart – but now it’s become a popular haircut for young modern men today. It’s shaggy and messy which are both incredibly trendy textures today.

72. The Tiger King Mullet

This controversial star is known for more than just his exotic pets. Along with a very retro mustache, Joe Exotic also set a trend with this classic two-toned mullet.

73. V-Shaped Fringe

This type of fringe is an ideal choice for a mullet if you have a strong widow’s peak. Not only does it fall with your natural hair shape but adds a touch of rebellion to your modern mullet.

74. Wavy Back

The key to a mullet is to grow the hair out longer in the back compared to the hair on top. This idea adds some textured waves to the longer hair for more texture and style.

75. Wolf Cut

The wolf cut is a cross between a mullet and a traditional shag haircut. It features lots of layers and from the front, looks very long – but the shorter sides are there underneath the long hair on top!

Frequently Asked Questions

Where Did The Mullet Get Its Name?

Although the mullet haircut has been around for centuries (there are even descriptions from the ancient Greek poet Homer that are very similar to what we call the mullet), the term ‘mullet’ was first coined by the 90s music group the Beastie Boys.

Their 1994 song ‘Mullet Head’ first popularized the name ‘mullet’ for this particular hairstyle.

Which Face Shape Is Best For The Mullet?

The mullet is a unique hairstyle as it’s one of the few that works great with all face shapes. Whether you have a square face, an oval face, a long face, round face – you can rock a mullet! However, it is agreed that the mullet looks its best in a diamond face shape.

Is A Mullet Hard To Maintain?

Mullets are pretty low maintenance as they are meant to look very messy and grow long.

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Author - Nia Jones

Nia has been passionate about hair since she was young. Always trying out the latest styles and trying to imitate her musical icons. She studied hairdressing directly after leaving school, spending 2 years at college learning from the best hairdressers in her region. After spending 6 further years learning her trade in different salons across the country, she went on to finally live her dream of opening her own. Today she specializes in the latest African American styles and trends, serving her local community.